Risk Management Blog

2020: The ALS Group's Year in Review

Written by The ALS Group | Dec 31, 2020 2:54:43 PM

2020 has certainly been an eventful year for The ALS Group!  As we close the year, we look back and take stock in the Firm's accomplishments, we wanted to share some of them with our clients and friends of the firm.

  • We are continuing to further our team’s professional development by conducting learning sessions, most done virtually in 2020, so we can continue to help our clients to better understand and manage risks that could impact their organizations' strategic and financial goals;
  • We have a thriving and competitive internship program that “home grows” talent by exposing them to real world risk management situations. Candidates come, primarily, from Columbia University's Enterprise Risk Management Program, and we also recruit from Temple University's Fox School of Business, specifically, from their pool of Risk Management students. As a direct result of the program, we have had one of our Fall Semester interns become a full time Technical Assistant on our client service team;
  • The ALS team participated in numerous charitable projects this year that included collaborating with such wonderful organizations like Bridges of Hope and the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP). Both organizations do amazing work in their respective communities. A special thank you to our team members who embrace our giving initiative with open hearts and open minds;
  • We’ve successfully implemented a Work From Home (WFH) business model in March 2020 to keep our team safe and healthy during the ongoing pandemic. Our amazing technology platform enables our team to seamlessly continue serving our client’s needs from remote locations;
  • We have implemented many additional Cyber security measures to ensure our clients’ information is kept secure as our team works remotely.

As 2020 draws to a close, we would like to thank our clients for the confidence they place in us as their risk management partner. We are proud to support so many organizations in all different industries providing them with unbiased independent risk and insurance advisory services and continue to be deeply committed to helping our clients, lower their Total Cost of Risk (TCoR) and give them the transparency they need to achieve their organizations’ strategic goals.

The ALS team wishes everyone a New Year filled with health, happiness and prosperity!

If you need more information on any of the topics covered in this blog, or need help with any risk related issues please contact Albert Sica, Managing Principal, at 732.395.4251 or asica@thealsgroup.com.